Recruitment, selection & verifications

Basic info about Recruitment
Recruitment & Selection
For employment in Active Life Security Services Ltd. all candidates must go through a set of selection
process to find those individual who exhibit essential qualities to becoming a security guard, i,e;
physical fitness, educational qualifications, truthfulness, courage, integrity, reliability, commitment and
ability to make sound judgment. Our recruitment process includes various progressive steps as under:
➢ Preliminary Screening
➢ Interviews
➢ Written Test
➢ Preliminary Medical Examination
➢ Completion of Application Form
➢ Reference Check & Final Selection
Genuineness of security personnel’s background and antecedents are given due importance by ALSSL.
To ensure that we do not hire a wrong person we collect/complete following documents/ procedures:
➢ National ID
➢ Chairman Certificate in original
➢ Education certificate
➢ Passport size photographs
➢ Record temporary residential address
➢ Reference check from at least two referees
➢ Initiating verifications roll to the special branch of Police
In special cases if a guard is required to be placed in high security zone, our own Investigation Officers
carryout background check of that individual
Background Check/Verifications
Training Center
The most important criterion of a good organization is its training center. A good corporate always gives due emphasis to give adequate training to a ‘Youngman’ or ‘Young Lady’ to convert him/her into an expert qualified personnel. Our training center is the distinguishing feature of Active Life Security Services Ltd. which develops the required skills and attitude for security service among our security personnel.
Our Training Center Location
House # 638/1, South Talepara, Chawrasta, Gazipur-1702
Add Your Heading TeActive life security services ltd. strongly believes in training. Without proper training a guard cannot perform better and grew in confidence. ALSSL Provides on Job Training to the deployed guards with
every updates of the security matter. This training is done keeping the guards in their job place. Before
deployment, we organize two to three weeks intensive basic training for guards in ATC (Active Training
Center). ALSSL Training Center has accommodation for 50 persons at a time. It has adequate living
rooms for trainees. With 24/7 uninterrupted electricity and water supply, trainees’ accommodation are
well furnished. On special circumstances, it is capable of accommodating upto 50 men for arranging meeting and conference.
1. Basic training for One to Two weeks in ATC.
2. Practical/orientation training at the post.
3. Refreshers training once months.
4. Group training for one week before deployment in a post requiring specialized skill.
5. On duty counseling by patrol supervisor during routine visit to the post.
Training Infrastructure/Facilities
Training Syllabus
Active Life focuses both on intensive physical and professional training are conducted in tandem to develop efficiency among the guards. This in turn helps them to grow confidence in their job. Our training syllabus although basically covers following subjects/lessons but we continuously evaluate and upgrade our syllabus as per the demand of the time: